Thursday, 23 April 2009

Find Me If You Can

The picture below is showing a list of files which are various (and unfortunately necessary) drivers for Lenovo N200 laptop which passed through my hands.

Can you identify any of the files by its name? Can you tell me which file will get me wireless drivers?

No, because some moron(s) at Lenovo decided that file names should be completely meaningless to users.



And btw – a short one sentence review, the laptop itself is a piece of crap. In no particular order: cheap plastics, horrible huge size, vacuum cleaner is more silent than this laptop, comes preloaded with crappy and useless Lenovo software, the hinges are just covered with plastic but painted to look like aluminium, the touchpad is coarse and even if your finger slides ok on it, there is just a right amount of friction to heat up your fingertip (I never thought it was possible), the power brick gets very hot, and did I mentioned that it arrived with the battery which refused to charge? So much for the famed Lenovo quality.


Anonymous said...

So, I take it - you don't like Lenovo? :)
It's still me, your buddy from Omladinska 14..
Nice to know if my sister wants to buy a new laptop (I'll send her this post). Unless she already knows it.
See you..

Prosperous Poverty said...

Naprotiv, masu puta sam ljudima preporucao lenovo laptope ali ovaj kojeg sam imao par dana kod sebe je totalni ocaj. Da sam ga kupio odmah bih ga vratio nazad. Ajde, jos je bio jedan od jeftinijih (oko 4300kn) pa ne mozes sad ocekivat nesto predobro, ali opet je zabrinjavajuce to da je taj isti laptop jedno 5 mjeseci ranije kostao oko 6000 a za tu lovu stvarno covjek ne ocekuje crap (a sto spomenuti laptop jest). Vjerojatno su danasnji modeli bolji, ali nista ne pomaze cinjenica da su i drugi laptopi drugih proizvodjaca isto losije kvalitete pogotovo oni nize cijene.

U svakom slucaju steta sto nisi dao neki hint da znam kome odgovaram ali nvm, dovoljno je da znam da je to netko relativno blizak naglicu jer prevelika bi slucajnost bila da pola sata nakon sto mi on ostavi komentar doleti drugi koji u sebi sadrzi "omladinska 14".

Anonymous said...

jest, ja sam. ma ne da mi se otvarati account, pa samo kliknem anonymous. nije na odmet i potpisat se, je li? evo:
jn :)